Embedding fonts in Metacard

Shari shari at gypsyware.com
Sun Nov 16 12:56:03 CST 2008

>It's an external, a dll on Windows and a bundle on Macs. You'll need 
>to ship the appropriate external with your app, and set the 
>externals property of your mainstack to point to the file's 
>location. Then you can use revFontLoad and revFontUnload to manage 
>the fonts.

Beautiful!  Worked like a charm!

I put both externals into a folder called "Externals" that will ship 
with the game regardless of platform.  That way even during 
development I know it's working properly as I have not set Metacard 
itself to use the externals.

Then on preOpenStack:

   put fGameFolder & "Externals/" into loadExtras
   if the platform is "MacOS" then
     put loadExtras & "revfont.bundle" into loadWhat
   else put loadExtras & "revfont.dll" into loadWhat
   set the externals of stack "nameOfMainStack" to loadWhat

   Dogs and bears, sports and cars, and patriots t-shirts
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