Thank you Metacard 2.4.3!

Shari shari at
Mon May 19 19:42:52 CDT 2008

>It opens if I remove all the snd resources. While the HC import 
>itself hasn't changed, audio playback has. I'm guessing some of the 
>snd resources are pretty old and are crashing the newer engine.
>A sudden quit like that usually means there's a bad resource 
>somewhere. I'd be curious to know if all the sounds play all right 
>in Rev 2.9 after you got the stack to open with MC 2.4.3.

I wouldn't leave them in the resource fork.  I don't do single 
platform stacks since leaving Hypercard.  I create one stack for all 
platforms, so I make sure they make all the kitties happy :-)

Funny thing, when I first switched away from Hypercard eons ago I 
hated leaving behind the resource fork.  Now I cannot imagine still 
using it.  I love Metacard's way of embedding sounds, graphics, and 
other stacks.

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