Thank you Metacard 2.4.3!

Shari shari at
Mon May 19 07:54:52 CDT 2008

I decided to go back and look at something I had created in Hypercard 
many moons ago, with the thought of beefing it up and re-releasing 
it.  Right now it is defunct, working only on very old computers.

Knowing that Metacard should open Hypercard files, I launched MC 2.9, 
and it failed.  Not only wouldn't it open the Hypercard stack, but it 
actually quit on me.

So I went back to MC 2.8.1.  Same thing.

Tried 2.7.4.  Ditto.

Tried MC 2.4.3 (the last version I had before Rev took over MC) and 
wowie zowie, it opened the stack!  Thanking the gods that I actually 
kept my older versions installed, because if I had not, all those old 
stacks would be useless.

My old trusty MC saved the day!

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