The Aborted Plunge (Metacard to Revolution)

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Thu May 31 15:10:37 CDT 2007

Shari wrote:
>> Right, it's built into the HC engine. MC and Rev don't do that, since 
>> their editors are just stacks. The script editor in HyperCard was a 
>> dialog resource built into the application and controlled specially by 
>> the app code.
>> -- 
>> Jacqueline Landman Gay
> So that means any MC solution cannot take you from script to script to 
> edit?

Well, maybe there is a way but it would be tricky to implement. That's 
why all the examples you've seen have provided the results in a separate 

One way to keep track is to just keep an eye on the titlebar of the 
script editor, which will tell you where you're at. The search stack I 
wrote for myself also retains the selection of the script that's opened, 
so that also provides a clue. (Did I send you that one?)

I do, however, use the "ss" command in the message box to bring up my 
search stack. It's a handler in my custom backscript, which loads when 
MC is launched.

on ss
   palette "searchScripts"
end ss

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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