The Aborted Plunge (Metacard to Revolution)

Wilhelm Sanke sanke at
Wed May 30 14:35:05 CDT 2007

On Tue, 29 May 2007, Tariel Gogoberidze wrote:

> 1) Wilhelm Sanke wrote excellent stack "SearchDocs XML" a 
> while ago.
> Unfortunately it can process only pre vs 7.x Rev documentation (in 
> operates on vs 2.6.1 to be precise) but it covers almost all my needs 
> and the great strength of this solution is that it finds all instances 
> of the search word, even in descriptions and comments. In a way it 
> makes instant cross indexing of the whole documentation (Dictionary + 
> FAQ + Topics) by given search word.

After the change of the file format of the Rev documentation I was busy 
with other things and not sure whether the Rev team would not change the 
format again in the near future. Therefore I personally continued to use 
my last "Searchdocs" stack, which I still use rather frequently, and 
discontinued any effforts to adapt the SearchDocs tools.

I will take a look ar Björnke's stack.

> 2) For the latest docs (Rev 2.8.1) I use a stack from  Björnke
> Best regards
> Tariel

As a fast script-search tool I have used my private "MCBrowser", which I 
did not offer as a public tool as there were other similar or equivalent 
tools around (e.g. Klaus Major, Richard Gaskin). I have now put it on my 
website for download, inspection, and possible improvement. The stack is 
from 2001 with minor bug fixes later and is a really very fast 
script-search tool. There maybe some bugs in it, which did not hurt me 
much as I used the stack only as a personal tool.
It think it could be easily enhanced to include substacks, but my 
present work demands prevent any further development at the moment. From 
the description on my website:

"The Metacard version of the above "RevBrowser". It is basically an 
enhanced and refined Metacard "Control Browser" with an added 
fast-search function that lets you search all scripts of a stack. The 
search tool lists all found scripts lines - with the searchstring 
colored - along with the addresses of the objects. Clicking on the 
object address enables you to edit the respective script. (Stack is from 
2001, may have some bugs, and especially is unable to deal with 
"unplaced" groups)."

You can get the stack from here:


or from page "Tools and Samples for Development"



Wilhelm Sanke

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