Plugin Immunity

Ken Ray kray at
Sun Oct 15 13:04:19 CDT 2006

On 10/15/06 12:38 PM, "FlexibleLearning at" <FlexibleLearning at>

>>> Is there a way to stop Rev being able to create  new  controls in a
>>> stack that is designed to work as a Rev  plugin?
>> maybe setting the "cantmodify" to true does work for  you?
> Not an option I'm afraid, Klaus. The plugin stack is designed to be
> content-modifiable. The stoic insistence by Rev's tools palette that any
> non-cantModify stack is fair game with no lockout option (e.g. a revBlessed
> property 
> that, if set to true, means the tools palette will not touch it) verges  on
> the 
> insane, or inane, or inept, or an IDE bug, or to charitable an IDE  oversight.

Name your stack file starting with "rev" and it should be ignored. I looked
at the code in Rev that handles this, and the key function is
'revFilterStacksList' (found in the 'revCommon' backscript) that will remove
stacks from a list if they meet certain criteria. I tried with the
revExample stack, and you can't drop objects on top of it from the tool
palette (you get a beep).

Try that, Hugh...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:
Email: kray at

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