Speed differences between MC and Rev (problem area nearly found)

Chipp Walters chipp at chipp.com
Fri Oct 13 02:08:53 CDT 2006


Your guess about memory just might be a good one.

I had to quit using Constellation when building ButtonGadget2 because
it was clear there were memory errors involved after compositing,
which also used imagedata and alphadata calls quite a lot. After a few
composites with Constellation open, things just got weird and the
compositing sooner or later quit working. As soon as I closed
Constellation and removed from memory, things started working again.
Jerry assured me he did nothing with imagedata calls or traps.

One of the reasons to this day I try and keep all plugins (including
my own) closed unless I have to use them.

My guess is there is a memory issue at play here, which is always
difficult to diagnose.
Wilhelm, your tests are great! Please if you haven't already, test in
standalones as well. Just create a standalone launcher app, which
auto-launches the stack in the same folder. One for Rev and one for MC
and see if the speed differences occur in standalones as well. Perhaps
you've already done this and I've missed it somewhere?

Good stuff.  -Chipp

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