[ANN] New Variable Watcher

J. Landman Gay jacque at hyperactivesw.com
Wed Oct 4 12:47:29 CDT 2006

Ken Ray wrote:
> I have uploaded a new build of the Variable Watcher to the MC_IDE group in
> the Files area (in the Extras folder) that fixes a bug in the VW where you
> would get a "Parameter is not a variable" error if you tried to bring up the
> VW and you had either a variable where there should be a quoted string (like
> "set the decorations of this stack to title") or where you accidentally
> named a variable the same as a reserved word (like "put 123 into tExt").
> If you leave the VW open when not debugging, it normally displays the
> globals in the state they were in when you stopped debugging, but they
> didn't update if you changed them subsequent to that. A new feature has been
> added that the VW will update its global list when you pass the mouse over
> any of the fields in the VW.
> If you run into any other problems, or have any other suggestions for the
> VW, please let me know.

The only problem left now is that you are too efficient and you make the 
rest of us look bad. :)

Thanks SO MUCH for these two fixes -- these were the main things I 
wanted to see, and now there they are. Clever solution to the VW 
updating issue, by the way. I thought you'd have to run a "send" loop, 
which would have been messy. Updating when entering the fields is a fine 

I'm off to download. Thank you!

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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