image compression default

Ken Ray kray at
Tue Nov 28 16:36:06 CST 2006

On 11/28/06 12:04 PM, "Jan Schenkel" <janschenkel at> wrote:

> Doesn't the rev standalone builder add a background
> group to the first card of your mainstack?
> If my memory isn't playing tricks on me, then this bg
> group gets the 'startUp' message first, loads the
> 'revLibrary' stack so all the externalPackages are
> available, and calls 'revLoadLibraries' to wrap things
> up before the first card gets the message.

Yes, exactly. I did some investigating and here's what I found when I built
a stack with one button and turned off everything I could find in the
Standalone Settings and built a standalone:

1) Rev added one group object ("revLibraries") that contains one button
("revCommon") to my stack.

2) The "revLibraries" group object has its backgoundBehavior turned on, and
traps the preOpenBackground, startup, preOpenStack, and preOpenCard

3) All of them will attempt to execute "revLoadLibraries" (unless it has
already been executed), which in turn sets the paintCompression to "png",
and inserts the script of the button "revCommon" into the back.

4) This "revLoadLibraries" script is also responsible for loading other
scripts (revTable, revDatabase) into the front, as well as opening and using
the stack "revExternalLibrary", if they exist. It will also load any stacks
contained in "the cScriptLibraries of me" as a library if there are any.

So as Jan pointed out, the group is getting the "startup" message (since
it's backgroundBehavior is true) and setting the paintCompression to "png".

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web site:
Email: kray at

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