Something ROTTEN(, actually :-) in the state of Denmark?

Mathewson richmond at
Sun Feb 26 13:28:27 CST 2006

Hi, Klaus,
  Despite indications to the contrary my education involved
a fairly close reading of various Shakespeare plays.
  However, I did not want to imply that RunRev was "Rotten"
- merely a bit "squishy round the edges" :)

And, I am sure you are well aware by now that I have
nothing better to do with my time than to memorise long
seemingly unsequential strings of numbers (and, Boy! are
RR's reg. numbers long). Although I still remember the long
soliloquy in Richard II! Which may be in some way pertinent
to some events going on presently. "Let us sit upon the
ground and tell sad stories of the death of Kings" - if my
memory serves might right after 30 years.

No, I was just a bit cheesed-off having sent off my 33
pounds (which has 3 times that value in Bulgaria) for my
copy of RR Media - which the RR website allowed me to order
 (possibly in the way it allowed my to view supposedly
'locked' web-pages - who knows, the mystery goeth on)- that
I recieved a proper receipt from WorldPay but nothing from
RR, neither a simple "Thank you for your 33 pounds" nor a
slightly more complex "Thank you for your 33 pounds, keep
your hair on, don't have hysterical outbreaks because we
have taken note of your payment and should let you have the
product you ordered and paid for by the end of March".

This, coupled with something to do with Mr X made me
describe "Denmark" as somehow wrong.

Never mind, I am really quite happy trotting along with my
DreamCard 2.6.1, my RR 2.0.1, my Free Novell RR 2.2.1 for
Linux and my old demo of Metacard - not to mention
Hypercard 2.4.1.

While I'm here I might as well add my support for an
unfettered flowering of alternative iDEs and interfaces
that work with the RR engine - and, unlike the way Chairman
Mao behved, one hopes this would not subsequently result in
a nasty purge.

Sincerely, Richmond Mathewson

"Philosophical problems are confusions arising owing to the
fluidity of meanings users attach to words and phrases."
                                       Mathewson, 2006
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