CGI for dummies failed

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sun Aug 20 11:55:54 CDT 2006

Shari wrote:

> In studying the logs, two errors occur:
> Premature end of script headers
> (8)Exec format error
> I thought maybe it did not like CR in the script so I tried LF. Still a 
> failure.

You need to match the engine to the OS that is running it. If you are 
uploading your scripts to your ISP, the OS is almost always Linux these 
days. Try the Linux engine. The hardware makes no difference; it is the 
OS that matters.

If you are  trying this out on your local machine and you're running OS 
X, you'll need the Darwin engine. This is not the same as the engine 
that ships with the distribution. The tutorial has info on that.

You should save your scripts with Unix line breaks in either case. 
BBEdit will do this.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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