Almost ready for RunRev...

Shari shari at
Fri Aug 4 09:50:21 CDT 2006

Just a happy thought... I've got the funds set aside for a new 
Macintel computer.  Just waiting for Apple to come out with Macintel 
desktops.  I can't even find an ETA on the internet anywhere.

Once I'm up and running with a new Macintel, I will be upgrading my 
Metacard to the newest incarnation thereof.  (I am currently at the 
second last release of Metacard before RunRev took it over.)

Been following this list regarding all Rev talk.  And one thing I 
hope gets ironed out before I'm ready to make the leap... is anybody 
successfully compiling standalones for Macintel yet?  There seemed to 
be some issues there.  Standalones not launching?

I will definitely be staying with the Metacard interface when I 
upgrade.  I like it's simplicity and easy overhead.

I'm getting excited :-)  A new computer... a new compiler... a new 
rolltop... a new sprinkler system... a new car... but keeping the 
fella and the dog :-)

Mac and Windows shareware games

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