Set Marker --?

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Thu Apr 27 23:39:06 CDT 2006

Richard Gaskin wrote:
> In the MC IDE Script Editor's Edit menu there's an item named "Set 
> Marker".  I don't see any code in that menu to support it.
> What does it do, and how does it do it?

There isn't any code. I had suggested it to Scott when we were 
discussing the revised script editor, but he never implemented it. I was 
always surprised to see it was in the menus, but I think he forgot about it.

It is supposed to set a line of commented script that you can jump to -- 
something like the Rev "set bookmark" feature, but more similar to the 
(I believe superior) way HyperCard used to do it. The commented string 
always starts with a defined word, and the menu item would just do a 
line search for a comment marker + the defined keyword, then scroll the 
script to that point.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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