Execution Error ?

Reinhold Venzl-Schubert r.venzl-schubert at t-online.de
Mon Oct 17 02:47:27 CDT 2005


To get the content of the folder "Media" I wrote this script:

on mouseUp

   put the effective filename of this stack into dirMerker
   set the itemdel to "/"
   delete last item of dirMerker
   put "/Media" after dirMerker
   set the directory to dirMerker
   put the files into fileLister
   answer "The files in folder Media are: " & CR & CR &\     # when I  
delete this line
       # strange things happens :-(
   if the platform is MacOS then
     delete first line of filelister   # I don't like the line:  
   end if
   answer "The files in folder Media are: " & CR & CR &\

end mouseUp

This script works very well, but when I delete the line

   answer "Die Dateien im Ordner Media sind: " & CR & CR &\

I get an:

Execution Error

Objekt: (it is empty)
Line: 0         Column:  0        Processing Token: (it is empty too)

Clicking on script I read:

Chunk: error in object expression
Chunk: can't find object
Object: does not have this property
get: error in expression
Handler: error in statement

Object: button "Script..." of card "Execution Error Card" of stack  
             Error" of stack "/Applications/MC/mctools.mc"
Line:   2        Column:   19     Processing Token:  (it is empty)

a click on script shows.

on mouseUp
   get the long id of the errorobject of this card
   set the history[it] of stack "Script Editor" to \
       format("char %d of line %d of field \"Editor Field\"", field  
"Column", field "Line")
   editScript it
   close this stack
   set the traceAbort to true
   set the traceReturn to true
end mouseUp

What is wrong in my script?


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