Link Grammar

Ken Ray kray at
Tue Jan 25 12:29:58 EST 2005

On 1/25/05 1:21 AM, "S. Tripp" <tripp at> wrote:

> The Link Grammar is a free download that parses English sentences.
> If you have the Xcode Tools loaded, it will compile on Mac OSX.
> After that if you enter ./parse in the terminal you can input sentences and
> it will attempt to assign a grammatical structure to them.
> Problem: I wanted to put a MetaCard front end on it by using the
> shell(".../parse") command.  It works halfway.  The Link Parser attempts to
> start but says it can't find some stuff.

Can you post what your code is and the result?

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:
Email: kray at

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