For xxx sake!

Klaus Major klaus at
Tue Sep 14 23:43:52 EDT 2004

Hi Hugh,

> Hi Klaus,
> Not entirely true. v2.5 prohibited "set/get script" and  "copy [obj]" 
> in
> password protected stacks, but "clone" has always been  available.

Ah, sorry, didn't know the latter...

> My points:
> [1] I can appreciate protecting script and  copying access to prevent
> circumventing protected stacks, but "clone" can do  nothing except 
> duplicate in the
> same environment.

Yes, so it is kind of useless in protected stack...

> [2] If dynamic  scripting in protected stacks is being 'phased out',

Sorry, what do you mean here?

> we need
> to be able to  unlock, do whatever, then *re-set* the protection. This 
> last
> step is not  available, and until 2.5 was not required. Not only 
> should it now
> be available,  but it has become a CRITICAL command.

Sorry, don't get this one either...?

You mean setting the passkey, doing whatever, saving and closing the 
DOES remove the password/protection?

> /H
> PS. As for the Nietzsche quote, I feel it both cavalier and wholly
> inappropriate. This is not the place for such comments. The 'joke' 
> fell  flat.

I guessed...


Klaus Major
klaus at

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