Security schemes for Players

Chipp Walters chipp at
Sat Oct 2 01:27:54 EDT 2004

Hi Alejandro.

I have a player which downloads stacks from a web page. Here's how I do it:

I password protect my stacks
I create a custom control (btn,fld,img,etc..) and set the script to a 
secret word only I know.
When I try and launch one of my stacks I do the following:

1. lock messages (preOpenCard handler won't run)
2. check for the existence of the control
3. get the script of the control and compare it to the string I know
4. if all is OK, then I open the stack and unlock messages.

Don't put the password in a custom prop as it isn't encoded when the 
stack is password protected. You could also do something fancy with a 
checksum function if you wanted.

hope this helps,


Alejandro Tejada wrote:

> Did anyone devised a safe and sound
> method to ensure that only your authorized
> stacks were able to open and play in your 
> custom players?
> I've thought about reading some custom
> properties (wrote while developing the stacks)
> before opening the stacks, but i'm not sure
> if this will prevent that not authorized
> stacks will run offensive code within a 
> preopenstack handler.
> Could you share experiences on this topic? 

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