Flashing problem with two players

Wilhelm Sanke sanke at hrz.uni-kassel.de
Fri Oct 1 22:51:44 EDT 2004

Create two players on a card, set their source (filenames) to two 
different avi-files.

Resize the players (make them larger) and set their "lock size and 
position" to true.

Set the alwaysbuffer of the stack to true.

Now if you move the tools palette, the players begin to flash. If you do 
not move the tools palette, everything is fine. The two players can be 
played simultaneously.

If you move the tools palette in such a way that it overlaps the player 
areas, the flashing continues forever and the Rev IDE freezes, i.e. it 
no longer reacts to any mouseclicks. You have to use the Windows task 
manager to close the stack and Revolution.

This is with version 2.5R2 (and Windows XP) and Metacard 2.6.1, which 
uses the same engine. It does not happen in version 2.1.2 or in Metacard 
2.5; some flashing occurs, but no crash happens.

I searched Bugzilla for a related entry, but did not find one.

Has anybody experienced similar problems?

-- Wilhelm Sanke

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