I use MetaCard

Alain Farmer alain_farmer at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 19 15:02:41 EST 2004

Hello Mathewson and y'all

> At present my GUI that I am developing for xTalk
> will run on both RR and MC ...

Yet another alternative GUI for the MetaCard-engine
eh!  ;-)

* The original "classic" MetaCard GUI
* The evolution of this "Classic", e.g. MetaCard-IDE
* Rev's GUI, of course.
* A MC-based HyperCard clone called "FreeGUI".
* And now *yours* too!  ;-)

Welcome aboard. The more the merrier. A plurality of
choices is far better than a so-called "best"
interface that accomodates ALL because people are not
all the same. They vary a lot, and therefore so do
their needs and prefs. As long as we are all using the
same MC-engine, as we are doing now, then we have some
*common-ground* from which we can communicate, share,
help each other, etc. 

My suggestion to you all is that we extend the
Pantechnicon concept to cover all of the relevant
xCards and, thereby, build a community-based
collection of reusable 'components' and solutions that
we can all share in order to increase our productivity
and quality of our xCard-wares ... We could even
launch a new open-source-movement, of a sort, where
the 'source' is *our* kind of stuff : stacks, xTalk
scripts, etc. I think it would really carch-on because
xTalk is far more accessible to people who are not
graduate students in computer science than C, C++,
Java ... all those more traditional approaches to
crafting software solutions.

Let's turn-on the World to the empowerment of xCard
computing! :-))


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