MC IDE v2.6b6 posted

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Sun Jul 25 16:54:12 EDT 2004

Robert Brenstein wrote:

>>> I am having trouble using an alias in the plugins folder. I've tried 
>>> both OS X native aliases and unix-style symlinks. Symlinks used to 
>>> work in MC (though I could never get them to work in Rev) but now 
>>> they don't work in MC either. Anyone else?
>> This has not changed from b5, which has been out for nearly 6 months. 
>> The routine needed for checking the initialization properties must 
>> open the stack file to get at those properties, and I believe that 
>> while "open stack" honors aliases "get the <whateverProperty> of 
>> stack" does not.
>> There may be a way to use aliasReference for that.  Care to add 
>> support for that?
> This has been quite a while but I am pretty sure I tested at least 
> Finder aliases and they worked. May be you are using a newer engine and 
> there was some change there.

I wonder why they also break in Rev?:

>>> Also, in the "programming plugins" text file, there is a reference to 
>>> a Revolution property:
>>> "In Revolution, the opening mode is defined for each plugin through 
>>> "Plugin Settings". To make MetaCard's plugins compatible with 
>>> Revolution, you need to set the custom property:"
>>> And no property is named. Don't keep us guessing. ;)
>> Robert, got time to finish that?
> Here is the complete text:
> In Revolution, the opening mode (open-as mode) is defined for each 
> plugin through "Plugin Settings". To make MetaCard's plugins compatible 
> with Revolution, you need to set the custom property:
> set the cRevLoadInfo["mode"] to empty -- palette
> set the cRevLoadInfo["mode"] to "modeless" -- modeless
> set the cRevLoadInfo["mode"] to "modal" -- modal
> set the cRevLoadInfo["mode"] to "invisible" -- invisible

In cases where desired functionality is also available in Rev I would 
indeed honor the Rev method.

But in this case the desired functionality is already in the engine, in 
the built-in style property of stack.

Given that, instead I would recommend that Rev follow the engine method, 
which is what the MC IDE relies on.  This recommendation has been submitted:


  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Media Corporation
  Ambassador at

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