Launching standalones via a net-client.

Wilhelm Sanke sanke at
Thu Jul 15 23:14:12 EDT 2004

Following the discussion on the use-revolution list ("RevNet 
installation") I experimented with the "Download" stack of Metacard 
which I have included as a substack in our net client.

First I modified the net client to display not only mc-, but also 
exe-files in the list (showing which stacks are available on the 
ftp-server) from which the user selects a stack for opening.

Then I tried to add the appropriate script lines to open an exe-file.

I got the exe-file to download - as could be seen by the text and the 
progress bar of the download stack, but it did not open.

I tested - in handler "on updateme href" of the stack script of the 
download stack, if the exe-file was inside the "cachedURLs", indeed it was.

The problems seems to be how to access the standalone in the 
"cachedURLs" and to launch it.

The Transcript Dictionary informs

"Use the  cachedURLs function to determine which files have been 
downloaded and are currently in the cache. A cached URL can be 
"accessed" more quickly than one that is not cached."

but it does not explain *how* to "access" the CachedURL.

I have the feeling that it must be possible to access and launch the 
exe-file which is cached, but how?

Please have a look at the changed part of the "updateme href" handler. 
Simply using "launch URL href" or "go URL href" does not work.

Any ideas?

"on updateme href
   if stat contains "cached" then
     put "Done" into field "progress"
     set the thumbpos of sb 1 to the endValue of sb 1
     wait 500 milliseconds
     close me
     if word 1 of url href is "#!/bin/sh" then
       go url href
       #  else answer "URL" && href  && "is not a stack."
#=====changed script============
       put the cachedURLs into ExeFiles
       set the itemdel to "/"
       put last item of ExeFiles into CurrentFile
       launch CurrentFile
#=========end of changed script==========
     end if
     unload url href
     exit to MetaCard
   end if
 end updateme"

Kind regards,

Wilhlm Sanke

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