
Klaus Major klaus at major-k.de
Fri Aug 6 17:03:33 EDT 2004

Hi Rich,

> Klaus, I tried this out and I like it (your drag and drop code has 
> become a welcome member of my software).

Thank you :-)

Yes i also did like that, so i created it :-)

> I even like
> having something that looks OSX on my Win2k but, I'm having major 
> problems using it with the 2.5 engine and the b7 IDE
> on Win2k.  It doesn't work at all unless the MC toolbar is open,

Oh, yes, sorry...

I have a script in my "home" stack on win that will automatically open 
the "MC Menu Bar",
since "mchome" alone is not much fun on windoze ;-)

Will have to add a "read me" where this fact will be explained...

Since that palette IS a "tuned" "tools" palette, there is some 
interaction with the
MC Menu Bar necessary...

I could add a little check for "MC Menu Bar" open or not...

> it corrupts my stack I keep in the plugins folder and set to
> open automatically by the plugin manager by making it so that I can't 
> save the stack to the plugin folder and I can't delete it
> from that folder unless I reboot.  Once my stack is corrupted, the 
> plugins manager fails to load correctly (I get and error
> telling me so) until I remove my stack from the plugins folder.  
> Although my stack is obviously being corrupted, the revision
> date doesn't change.  I forgot to check if the file size did.  This 
> happened on 2 attempts and then I gave up.

Sorry to hear this, but i doln't think that this may be caused by 

> Is this supposed to be compatible with the 2.5 engine?

Since this is just an upgrade from my old "heim2" palette and there was 
nothing engine related stuff in it,
i would say yes... But you never know...

> As a side note which may be related, I've noticed that since switching 
> to
> the b7 IDE, the plugin manager no longer automatically loads the 
> regular toolbar even though I configure it to do so.
> Anybody else seen this?

Did not test the b7 on windows, sorry...

> Rich Mooney
> Payne Sparkman Mfg.


Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de

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