Getting drag and drop to copy (not cut) dragged text

depstein at depstein at
Mon Oct 27 17:08:54 EST 2003

Thanks very much.  Dave Cragg found the message I was missing: "dragEnd."  

It makes sense that after a "dragDrop" has happened there's a "dragEnd" sent 
back to the dragSource, since MC's default behavior needs to react to the 
user's choice of drag destination, and either leave or delete the dragged 
text in the unlocked source field.  So anything I do to that source field in 
the dragDrop handler will be undone by MC's automatic response to "dragEnd."  
By trapping dragEnd, I can control the fate of the source field.

David Epstein

Dave Cragg wrote:
> This seems to work:
> In your card script:
> on dragStart
>    set the dragData["text"] to the selection
>    ## don't pass this message
> end dragStart
> on dragEnd
> ## need to trap this to stop automatic behavior
> end dragEnd
> In the locked field:
> on dragEnter
>    set the acceptDrop to true
> end dragEnter
> on dragDrop
>    put the dragData["text"] into me 
> end dragDrop

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