Getting drag and drop to copy (not cut) dragged text
depstein at
depstein at
Sat Oct 25 19:57:25 EDT 2003
It appears to me that if we select some text from a Metacard 2.5 field and drag
and drop it elsewhere, then
-- if the drop occurs outside Metacard, the dragged text remains in the original
field, while
-- if the drop occurs inside Metacard, the dragged text is deleted from the
original field.
I am trying to override this behavior when text is dropped to a locked field,
i.e., I want the dragged text to be displayed in the locked field but remain, still selected,
where it was in the original field. The following procedure does not work:
In the card script:
on dragStart
global textBuffer,locBuffer,chunkBuffer
-- these globals are used to record the starting condition of the field being dragged from:
put the text of the target into textBuffer
put the selectedChunk into chunkBuffer
put the long name of the target into locBuffer
pass dragStart
end dragStart
In the script of a locked field:
on dragEnter
set the acceptDrop to true
end dragEnter
on dragDrop
global textBuffer,locBuffer,chunkBuffer
put the dragData["text"] into me -- This works as expected.
-- Now try to restore the pre-drag content and selection of the source field:
do "put textBuffer into" && locBuffer
do "select" && chunkBuffer
-- But this doesn't happen. The source field has lost the text that was dragged out.
end dragDrop
Can anyone explain what's going wrong and how to fix this?
Many thanks.
David Epstein
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