Enhancements and replacements

MisterX x at monsieurx.com
Thu May 15 01:33:01 EDT 2003

Thanks all for the nice comments.

Although stripping code from comments is a neat idea,
and it can be practical at times, it's usually not the case.
- dubious or unclear code needs them,
- credits, modification tracking and version comments shouldn't be stripped
- very helpfull for reverting back to old-working code
- Putting comments back after modifications
to the code are done is also a nightmare to track.

Example: the debugging field still has a tracking problem in the 2.5 editor!
If you add a debug checkpoint (dont you wish that command was carried over
from HC?) and then add a statement in a line before that line, the debug
checkpoint wont move down with the script line! If you were tracking an
infinite loop, you can just start all over after force quitting MC - you did
save before didn't you?!!!

Also, comments are essential and in any script I expect
to see them as "reminders" for dubious script formulaes! That's
why I think this is not a good effort/benefit value...


Also, given the lack of feedback, im keeping the Script Editor X
as a private project. Given the amount of work that went in it,
and compared that to the success of the shortest development
project i've done in the "php-nuke admin block" I just released, I
see no point in going further with enhancements for the SE... I
was hoping other's would jump in and help enhance and debug it yet
i received too little bug reports... This was to everyone's benefit...

On the other hand, lots of those enhancements are being pasted into
new projects as module objects. ClipperX is a big part of this. And
a KM revival of XOS is coming all in ONE stack! It should be quite
useful for most users even without MC. I got a huge new market and
Im going to exploit it with or without you! ;)

Most of the scripts are easily adaptable and most dont even need
comments since they are bare bones, and recognizable. Any newbie
that works with it should be able to learn easily from it... That was
a crucial point in XOS - independent simple adaptable code. One small
effort adds to another! In the end you have a collosal project all in one
without bloat or spaghetti scripts!

As far as replacements, just the text-styles modifiers in the edit menu or
the edit buttons of ClipperX should have been standard in MC 2.1 yet they
still dont work correctly in 2.5 - just try applying mixed text styles in
a field! The script editor I made was also to have those bare minimal needs
like a line number ruler is an essential part of any editor where errors are
refered by line number! I enjoy them everyday and are enormous time savers.

I thought Scott would have been interested in making that quality statement
his software but I still haven't heard from him... I must have pissed him
with my last bug-list! I do have many problems with 2.5 and debugging or
Am I alone?

So many fixes, so little time. Maybe some of you know but here's the facts:
We can beat Delphi or .not or even lotus notes (yuk) but we can't do it
We need to help each other and that's the first step...

Seeing how my website attracted 700 phpnukers in just 3 days should be a
marketing example for any of you (including Scott) but im not sure any of
are at all interested in more clients or the better quality tools I've
But im always open for great collaboration with any useful purpose including
Bill Gates in his own turf! Now that should motivate a few of you!

I want to first detrone Lotus Notes for doing such a bad job in software
They dont deserve the credit IMOHO... Neat concept, ugly software... Easy to
but time consuming! Imagine the news: Scripters unite and Metacard beats
all! Over
one billion users served!


-----Original Message-----
From: metacard-admin at lists.runrev.com
[mailto:metacard-admin at lists.runrev.com]On Behalf Of Alain Farmer
Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2003 2:45 AM
To: metacard at lists.runrev.com
Subject: Enhancements and replacements

Hello Richard and y'all,

> As Xavier did with his ambitious script editor,
> we can write our own enhancements and replacements
> to get the benefits of such options right now.

Xavier has indeed done a really fine job with his
script editor. It is now included in FreeGUI. Anyone
wishing to follow his lead might want to consider
contributing the enhancements/replacements & thereby
sharing their wares with their xCard community.

For more info on FreeGUI (and FreeCard and the
HyperCard Pantechnicon), browse the following wiki :


> ... and therefore we can do anything.

He is the Lizard King. He can do *anything* !  ;-)

(in memoriam for Jim who died at the tender age of 27)

This is the end...  [ of this post of course ]


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