ClipperX 1.0b8 now skinned!

Mr X x at
Thu May 1 17:22:01 EDT 2003

Hey everyone,

Im totally excited! I just finished b8... After numerous crashes to get the
bug out, rebuilding the whole stack, restarting from scratch 3 times, it's
finished and saves without crashing! So it must be crash proof now! ;)

Just to show off some new things and really, I hope, no more crashes.

The image part is still not thrustworthy computing wise, untested (I removed
a key image object that caused the crashing and remains solution-less for
selecting (and cropping which is #1 use for clipboard images) but the text
and visuals are delish!

Just hold your breath, I got more coming!


(free registration required for download - sorry, I've been hacked once too

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