Player and Field

Jeanpaulpoccard at Jeanpaulpoccard at
Fri Jan 3 17:35:01 EST 2003


On 12/25/02 7:36 AM, Vikram Singh wrote:
<<I try typing a sentence in a field; the card also has a player. On pressing 
the Space Bar the player starts/stops. Is there a way to avoid this.>>

I met the same problem some days later, and  I ask the same question .
I wish my pupils to build their own pages of a multimedia journal and of 
course they will first display their  pictures or movies and then write their 
own comments.

Waiting for an elegant solution, this is the  crooked  solution I have 

My stack keeps an eye on the keyboard,
If the spacebar is hit and the target is a field, then a delayed message is 
sent to the stack.
the delay (2 ticks seem to be sufficient) allows the field to catch the 
character and display the space char.

The message is caught by a driver which tells to all the players on the card 
to stop and go one step back.

The result is not perfect, but typing in fields close to players is  far less 
uncomfortable than  without this crutch.

I tested it with 3 player objects on the same card and I found that typing 
was not noticeably perturbed.
A problem remains, a brief noise can be heared before Quicktime is told to 
stop reading its sound track.


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