Memory Problems

xbury.cs at xbury.cs at
Thu Feb 20 09:23:01 EST 2003

The problem is with the caching of the stacks you open... 
remove "always buffer",  and add "destroy stack on close" and "destroy widow
on close" from the stack properties window to free that memory up...

-----Original Message-----
From: Ray Horsley [mailto:ray at]
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 16:53
To: metacard at
Subject: Memory Problems


I'm having memory problems (but not personally).  I need to go to or refer
to several hundred stacks, but just one at a time.  I'm finding that even
doing so with just a list of 30 or so doubles the memory Metacard grabs.  It
stays doubled, slowing everything till I quit Metacard and relaunch.

repeat with L=1 to number of lines of allStacks  -- list of 30 stack paths
    put line L of allStacks into stackPath
    set the defaultStack to stackPath     -- or go stack stack path
      -- do some stuff like set scripts and save the stack
    delete stack stackPath
end repeat

Any ideas on how to keep memory usage down?  It would also be helpful for me
to be able to monitor memory usage if anyone knows how to do this from
within Metacard.


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

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