Another speed dilemma

Shari gypsyware at
Fri Apr 18 21:08:01 EDT 2003

>If you want the full speed up from arrays, you need something like this:
>set the icon of cd btn bMap[z] to uMap[x,y]
>Even though you say "line y of uMap[x]", this is still line 
>counting. Just knowing the exact line number is not enough: Metacard 
>still needs to read 1 line at a time in order to count off lines and 
>find the one you want.
>For the sake of a quick test, you should be able to transform your 
>existing array like this:
>repeat with x=1 to 330
>    repeat with y=1 to (number of lines in uMap[x])
>       put line y of uMap[x] into uMap[x,y]
>    end repeat
>end repeat
>Run this before your original script, then use the uMap[x,y] syntax. 
>Time the second part and you should see a speedup.

Will try it and let you know.  Thanks!

Shari C
--Shareware Games for the Mac--

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