Speed test update

Shari gypsyware at earthlink.net
Wed Apr 16 13:55:01 EDT 2003

I tried Tereza's idea and it was slower than my fastest (which was 
620 milliseconds).  (Sorry Tereza, I wanted yours to work :-)  I am 
working with a 350 mhz G-3, so your results may vary, but comparing 
each handler on my computer, the results are as follows:

on moveUnit gRow, gCol # 667  milliseconds
   global aMap,gTemp
   put the milliseconds into tit
   put 1 into z # image z of grp "underlay"
   put ((gRow - 1) * 43) + gCol into tStart
   put tStart + (43 * 8) into tEnd
   lock screen
   repeat with x = tStart to tEnd step 43
     repeat with y = 0 to 10
       set the filename of image z of grp "Underlay" to aMap[x + y]
       add 1 to z
     end repeat
   end repeat
   unlock screen
   put the milliseconds - tit & comma after gTemp
end  moveUnit

I am currently working with Scott Rossi's suggestion, and it looks 
like this is the fastest way.  Instead of using images, I am using 
buttons, and setting the icon of the button to an imported image.  I 
imported the images into their own stack, and embedded the stack into 
the "map" stack.  I need to fine tune it a bit, but this is my 
current test run.

on moveUnit # 65  milliseconds
   global gRow,gCol,gTemp,bMap,dMap
   put the milliseconds into tit
   put 1 into z
   lock screen
   repeat with x = gRow to (gRow + 8)
     repeat with y = gCol to (gCol + 10)
       set the icon of cd btn bMap[z] to (the id of image (line y of 
dMap[x]) of stack "images")
       add 1 to z
     end repeat
   end repeat
   unlock screen
   put the milliseconds - tit & comma after gTemp
end  moveUnit
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