Editing scripts in a standalone

Scott Rossi scott at tactilemedia.com
Thu Sep 26 02:40:00 EDT 2002

>> (No I will NOT put images and sounds into a separate folder for the world to
>> steal.  They will be embedded.)

I understand the sentiment here but using this practice to prevent theft is
a bit naive: any image than can be shown onscreen can be copied via
screencapture and any sound that can be played through the system can be
recorded via audiocapture or an external recording device.  Really all you
can do is place copyright notices in your software and clearly explain what
the copyrights cover.  It may be more worthwhile to spend time protecting
your scripts and/or making your registration process easy/appealing so folks
are encouraged to support your efforts.

I remember reading an amusing comment regarding music piracy and the
millions being spent on copy protection technology: The only way big music
companies will stop music piracy is by preventing consumers from listening
to the music in the first place.  As long as there is a means to play back
music, there will be a means to copy it, even if the copy is as primitive as
a cassette player and microphone.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
Email: scott at tactilemedia.com
Web: www.tactilemedia.com

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