Option buttons

Shari gypsyware at earthlink.net
Thu Sep 19 14:07:01 EDT 2002

>You may need to "set the colors of this stack to the colors of stack 
>home". You only need to do this once during development. When you 
>save a stack for the first time using the File menu, it is supposed 
>to do that automatically for you but I have had instances where it 
>didn't -- probably I saved from the message box or something. The 
>stack colors are inherited from the Home stack unless you set them 
>differently. When you remove the Home stack from the hierarchy, 
>there are no colors to inherit. Make sure the stack has its own.

That brings up another question...

Often during development, all of Metacard's stacks will change color, 
often to a very dark grey.  In checking the color settings of the 
stacks, the settings haven't changed.  Yet on screen suddenly all the 
Metacard windows are another color.  The only fix is to quit and 

Even if I set the cantModify of the home stack to true, it happens.

My own stacks remain fine.  But Metacard's change.
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