Background Color on Win XP - Undocumented Feature!

Ken Ray kray at
Sat Sep 14 13:29:01 EDT 2002


When I looked at your code, at first I thought something was wrong with the
following line:

>         put word 1 of tColor,word 2 of tColor,word 3 of tColor into tColor

I have always assumed that in order to concatenate items in a
comma-delimited list, you needed to use &","&, as in:

   put word 1 of tColor & "," & word 2 of tColor & "," & word 3 of tColor
into tColor

But apparently you've hit on an undocumented feature of MC - the ability to
create a comma-delimited item list in a variable without having to use an
ampersand for concatenation.

I even tried it with strings:

  answer "Fred","Harry"

and got the following in the answer box:


You can also put as many spaces around the comma as you like:

  answer "Fred"     ,   "Harry"

still displayed "Fred,Harry" in the answer box.

Now before you all go thinking you can do this with word and line
delimiters, I can tell you from testing that you can't... you'll get an
error. So the following things WON'T work:

  answer "Fred" "Harry"
  answer "Fred"cr"Harry"
  answer "Fred"charToNum(10)"Harry"

But still, that is a cool find! Thanks, Monte!

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Email: kray at
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