
Nelson Zink zink at newmex.com
Wed Jan 23 16:38:01 EST 2002


> any MC analogues for the xy handler?

on xy
  set cursor to cross
  set the numberformat to "0.##"
  --set the height of msg for three lines
  put the mouseloc into temp
  repeat until the mouseclick
    put "Loc: "&the mouseloc&"  Horz: "&the mouseH&"  Vert: "&the mouseV
into temp2
    put the mouseH-item 1 of temp into XD
    put the mouseV-item 2 of temp into YD
    put "Xdist: "&XD&"   YDist: "&YD&"   Angle:
"&90-(round(atan2(abs(XD),abs(YD))*180/pi)) into line 2 of temp2
    put (XD^2 + YD^2)^.5 into temp3
    put "XYDist: "&temp3 &" pixels, "&(temp3 /72)& " inches" into line 3 of
    put temp2
  end repeat
end xy

Here's one that does a little more. I don't know how to set the message box
height so it will automatically display the three lines. If you do, stick
that line in.


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