MC 2.5 Script editor

Klaus Major k_major at
Thu Dec 12 13:03:01 EST 2002

Hi Shari, hi Glen,

> ...
> I think auto-complete for commands etc. would be a very good idea. Just
> include a preference to turn it on or off, then everyone can be happy. 
> :-)

YO :-)

>> As it is, I frequently have to delete on mouseUp/end mouseUps that
>> get inserted into the middle of my handlers, presumably thru some key
>> sequence.
> I don't think it is a key sequence that does this, I thought that 
> everytime
> you opened up a script editor window that didn't have any script a on
> mouseup/end mouseup would get inserted.

This is still there.

But the sequence cmd+m also used to insert "on mouseup...end mouseup"
at the cursor in the scriptwindow, now it looks like Scott removed it 
in 2.5.

Have a nice weekend.

Regards from ICE-cold germany (-20 Celsius !)

Klaus Major
k_major at

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