record sound bug?

cowhead cowhead at
Wed Dec 12 13:03:00 EST 2001

There used to be a "send bug reports to....." on this mailing list...but it seems to have disappeared.  Anyway, back to the old "record sound" saga...

It's great that this has now been implemented in metacard (I've been forced to use weird combinations of superCard/metaCard stacks before this) but I can only get it to work well when using the "with dialog"
ask file "what"
record sound IT with dialog

This opens up a dialog stack, which offers all the 'recordFormats()' options, and there are quite a few that sound really good on a Mac (OS 9.1x, Japanese) and take up very little memory space as well.  Unfortunately, if you try to record directly in these formats, without going through the dialog, it doesn't sound good anymore. Moreover, the quality level makes no difference.  e.g.

record sound file it as fl64 with best quality

sounds pretty bad, in contrast to the fl64 (floating point 64bit) recorded through the 'dialog', which is crystal clear.  I suspect the culprit is in the quality level, which seems to have no effect in the direct (non dialog) script.  I suspect that the dialog is recording as 'best' but not the direct script.  I wish I could see what the 'sound settings' dialog stack script looks like, but I can't find it.  I've tried putting quotes around the quality in the direct script (e.g with "best" quality), but the
compiler will not accept this.

In summ, can anyone show me a direct recording script for any format which sounds really good on the Mac?  Or is there something broken here that might ought to be fixed (my opinion).  I don't want to have to go through the dialog each time.


mark mitchell

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