Resizing images

Tom Glod tom at
Wed Jun 16 19:18:55 EDT 2021

I think if you set the resizequality to "best" before the export snapshop,
the quality will USUALLY be the same as any other solution, to the eye

But it all depends on the image and the edges that are within it.

Image magic gives you other resampling options ..... so in that sense,
maybe it is the better solution because you can test the different sampling

especially when UPscaling

also, export lossless as png or jpeg 100 ,,,, to maintain all the image

Let us know how it turns out

On Wed, Jun 16, 2021 at 6:58 AM jbv via use-livecode <
use-livecode at> wrote:

> Hi list,
> I need to resize hundreds of jpg and png images.
> Most images have different initial width and height,
> and the resizing needs to be done according to data
> in an xml file, therefore most resizing are quite
> unique.
> I was wondering : what is the best way to do it ?
> 1- with a LC script using export snapshot
> 2- or in php using a library such as Image magik ?
> The main point is not how to do it, for I can code
> both options, but rather : which option will ensure
> the best image quality after resizing ?
> Thanks in advance.
> jbv
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Tom Glod
Founder & Developer
MakeShyft R.D.A (

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