Accumulating text is *VERY* slow in LC9 on Windows

Curry Kenworthy curry at
Wed Aug 25 21:27:45 EDT 2021


 > But the key thing is: for this task, LC9 is
 > dramatically slower on Windows!)
 > Have others seen something like this?

Generally: Yep, I've seen plenty of slowdowns.
On both Windows and Mac, depending on the task.

Specifically: I'd like to test this later;
still recovering from two back-to-back illnesses.

Suggestion: although your code may look short,
you're potentially testing up to 5 different issues:

1. Loop speed
2. Text line parse speed
3. Text concat speed
4. Variable/memory speed
5. Mac to Win text

It would be good to narrow your test
and see which area has the biggest impact,
or eliminate some of those possible factors.

Best wishes,

Curry Kenworthy

Custom Software Development
"Better Methods, Better Results"
LiveCode Training and Consulting

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