On the dangers of automated refactoring

Curry Kenworthy curry at pair.com
Wed Apr 14 16:06:25 EDT 2021


 >> The biggest code is the most repetitive and least modular!


 > Not always, but often. I try to aim for the smallest code base,
 > so I think the contest should be to solve a complex problem
 > with the least amount of code.

Yes, but not brevity for its own sake! Rather for maintainability,
efficiency, and to avoid the code-org messes that people try to
refactor their way out of after practicing bad habits.

The optimal balance of brevity with performance, readability, and 
maintainability is where we'll find the best code!

That'll be fairly tight code, but not always the very smallest.
I do love concise code; I've seen some whopping humongous scripts! :)

Best wishes,

Curry Kenworthy

Custom Software Development
"Better Methods, Better Results"
LiveCode Training and Consulting

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