Find Replace in Script Editor with cr

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at
Thu Apr 8 10:58:20 EDT 2021

Fine but I am on JB side on this one. I suggest everyone just create a mail rule that sends Sean’s posts to the trash. That is what I have done. Maybe at some point he will finally get that railing against people inevitably accomplishes the exact opposite of his intent, which I think is to get people to change the way they respond on the list. But somehow I do not think he WILL get it. In fact I get the sense that he just likes to rail against people. This isn’t the first time. 

Bob S

> On Apr 8, 2021, at 7:16 AM, Keith Martin via use-livecode <use-livecode at> wrote:
> Mailing lists such as this aren’t perfect oracles and they’re not pure technical reference sources either. Most importantly, they are not one-to-one conversations; MANY more people will be reading a thread than may be actively posting to it.
> When a question is asked, people will respond with what they feel may be of use. Sometimes it isn’t helpful, but often even those posts will help others reading the thread to gain a better understanding of all sorts of areas within the general topic.
> I know I’ve learned a HUGE amount by reading threads on topics that free-wheel around with all kinds of creative and sometimes off-target (and even off topic) responses. For me, that is a big part of the value of a mailing list. I don’t read every post in this or a number of other mailing lists, but I keep everything for possible later trawling with searches. (I have roughly 142k unread emails in my inbox – I practice inbox infinity rather than inbox zero! But it works well for me.)
> This is how mailing lists naturally work. If that’s not suitable, the forum allows for a somewhat more focused approach to questions and answers. What’s not so suitable or appropriate is personal abuse being thrown around. I don’t know how many people are subscribed to this list, but it will not be a small number. That’s a lot of inboxes. Frankly, anyone should be embarrassed to be ’shouting’ at someone in such a large and semi-public environment.
> k out.
> ---
> Keith Martin
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