Trying to use the Segmented Control

R.H. roland.huettmann at
Mon Nov 30 06:05:19 EST 2020

Basically, I think, it is a nice widget.

--- But sometimes, I would like to show text with icons together, or each
icon in a different color. Possible?

--- Then I would like to import whatever icon or image and individually set
its size, and margins individually. I like to have access to the details of
each segment and it's look and feel. Even each segment's rect and other
details should be modifiable. I would like to be able to define the size
and the color of each object's border and dividing lines. The only way
around is scripting lines or whatever to be used as an overlay -- which is
a kludge. But is it possible using LCB to address individual parts and
define a more detail-grained API?

--- Messages: I do not understand why not standard mouse messages would
work here and are not supported.  Other messages than just "hilitedChange"
should be detected. But it would be important, in my opinion, to allow each
and every graphical widget to detect mouseWithin, mouseMove, mouseDown,
mouseUp, mouseEnter, mouseLeave, etc.

Is there anybody working on such widgets and updating them to newer
versions? Is there a version history for each widget?

The documentary of the widget (widgets) in the Dictionary could be enhanced
with a first date of appearance and dates of new versions as well as
enhancement requests or planned enhancements? I assume the author is
LiveCode Ltd.?


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