Go to card has become slow

Neville Smythe neville.smythe at optusnet.com.au
Sun Apr 12 21:23:20 EDT 2020

Mark Waddingham wrote
> There appear to be two reasons for the difference:
>   1) When saving each style run (block) in a field the engine is making 
> three Win32 API calls.
>   2) The saving method uses (and always has used) direct Win32 system 
> calls to manipulate files without any buffering (on other platforms we 
> wrap the standard C library stdio FILE which has its own buffer).

Wonderful Mark!

I hadn’t really flagged the fact that I was using styled test in my test set. Given your comment that seemed to point to styled text being the bottleneck I tweaked my test stack to give the option of plain text. It is available at

https://www.dropbox.com/sh/kgc7u7xpqu63hef/AAAdblOyIcx8SIuurB_QfHyHa?dl=0 <https://www.dropbox.com/sh/kgc7u7xpqu63hef/AAAdblOyIcx8SIuurB_QfHyHa?dl=0>

But no, it shaved only 1 second off a 7 second save for styled text (elderly MacPro running Windows 10 VM) So your engine modifications must be having a much wider effect, not just on reducing the 3 API calls for styled as opposed to plain text ??

I hope so because the actual problem in the production stack was large numbers of table fields, not styled text. I only used ordinary text fields in the sample stack I submitted to QC in order to simplify and isolate the problem. Will we get a speed-up for table fields (and DataGrids) when it rolls out?


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