
Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Sun Apr 12 19:01:09 EDT 2020

Graham Samuel wrote:

 > Still, subject closed - I presume the mother ship has long ago decided
 > not to enhance LC in this respect any time soon.

Not at all.  I noticed this thread got off on the tangent of codec 
specifics, but never addressed your core question:

LiveCode can play all of those and more.

Just not specifically using the old audioClip method.  That method was 
an early attempt to emulate HC's resource-fork-based SND clips, and 
never got past using the .au format which was popular way back in the 
day on the platform MetaCard was born on, Unix.

Since then audio and video support assumes richer formats of greater 
length than are practical with embedded media clips.

Play them as files and you should be fine.

(That is, unless you need to deploy to Linux, where the Player object 
started breaking a few years after the turn of the century and has 
gotten steadily worse since.)

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
  Ambassador at      

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