OT: Catalina - the end of ad hoc & in-house development?

Paul Dupuis paul at researchware.com
Sat Sep 7 18:58:41 EDT 2019

Everyone is signing the praises of tools to jump through Apple's hoops, 
but I see no one refuting Peter's original claims that Catalina is a ste 
towards the end of ad-hoc and in-house development for the Apple 
platform and I would agree.

Apple's goal for OSX is to get to the same place as iOS, where all OSX 
apps go through the Apple store operation for a 30% cut. Eventually, you 
will not be able to distribute an OSX application yourself directly to a 
friend who runs OSX. It will go through Apple and, yes, it may be a 
"free" app, but the endlessly changing hurtles that are discussed 
frequency on this list for iOS will become the same for OSX and that 
overhead will kill off a certain number of developers who just do not 
have the time or patience or money to jump through those hoops. And 
because - those sort of small ad-hoc or in-house developers - will never 
contribute significantly to Apple's bottom line, Apple really doesn't 
care one bit about them.

My 2 cents from having been close to Apple since the Lisa was released.

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