HTMLTEXT of a Browser Widget in Properties Inspector?

Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami brahma at
Thu Jan 17 19:40:05 EST 2019

Wow! That’s look like a minefield!

 I vote to this: should we make a enhancement request?

    ** It would be a great feature if it were possible to delete the cache. **

I *finally* go the old htmltext/cache to go  went away. But it too several reboots and I tested on my Android etc.  until it "becames" the new htmltext. BUT that "cache" seems to be persistent... and you have a "flicker" as the "cache" htmltext seems to load and then the my code set it.  

So, now the question is... is the htmltext of browser widget a saved property?

Hmm. I turned off

--set htmltext of widget "Loader" to fld "loaderHTML"

[Save the scripts/stack]
Reboot Livecode...Ahha! Gotcha! 

The widget "Loader" shows the htmltext as if it were are persistence property. But then "what?!" it suddenly disappears, leaving the widget "Loader" empty....blank white space (until on browserDocumentLoadComplete pURL hides it and show the widget "body" )

So that why it "flashes" on start up.  We see 
a) some "mysterious" htmlText "momentary" persistent property 
b) which is suddenly replaced with 

set htmltext of widget "Loader" to fld "loaderHTML"

So that makes two enhancement requests:

1 ** It would be a great feature if it were possible to delete the cache. **
2.   give the option to make the htmlText a browser widget  a persistence property (so that is doesn't disappear after a moment) AND
 if that "check box" is selected, make it to available to the developer just like the content of a field.


hh wrote:

    Browser widget:
    A. URL
    There are some problems with caching if one sets the URL and reloads.
    Then the chance is really big that you get fooled by the cache.
    I tried even to delete the widget and create a new one with the same URL.
    Also unloadig the url doesn't help.
    I couldn't catch with several traps a cache file on disk, probably it
    is in RAM. This is confirmed by the fact that a restart of LiveCode helps.
    ** It would be a great feature if it were possible to delete the cache. **

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