windows defender issues? & other AV issues

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at
Wed Jan 16 11:04:24 EST 2019

When I first distributed my Forms Generator to Windows users, I had it put into the Program Files folder. They immediately reported CTD almost as soon as they launched the app and after signing in. I traced it to the fact that I routinely save my stacks by script in development so I do not lose any changes. I had to completely refactor to not do that anymore, and to keep any persistent changes I needed to save in a prefs file. 

Bottom line, when distributing standalone, IMHO, don't save anything with the stack, or else install the standalone in a place where the user has write access by default. 

Bob S

> On Jan 15, 2019, at 08:38 , Matthias Rebbe via use-livecode <use-livecode at> wrote:
> There should be no problem to copy/write/save a stack to the folder AppData . This is the recommended place if your app needs to write data to disk. It can be access using specialfolderpath("Support") or specialfolderpath(26).
> Or has this really changed in Windows 10?
> Matthias Rebbe

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