suspendStack and resumeStack equivalents on mobile?

Terry Judd terry.judd at
Mon Feb 18 18:17:15 EST 2019

Pretty sure this has been covered before but couldn’t locate the email thread. I’m using the ‘Enable background execution’ option on iOS in order to avoid having to use iOS’s guided access feature to lock users (examiners in this) into our app (thereby avoiding any loss of data/state), and would like to be able to flag if an when they switch away from and back to the app. Guided access is great BTW, but I suspect that it is occasionally flakey and a possible contributor to unexpected app crashes – which is why I’d prefer to avoid using it if possible.

Anyway, the only idea that has come to mind so far is to use send at regular intervals to update an internal ‘timer’ - if the time gap between timer updates is longer than expected then the assumption is that the app has been suspended and resumed. Does that sound reasonable? Any other possible approaches?


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