Quit Command corrupts standalone (stack called by standalone splash)

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at iotecdigital.com
Tue Feb 27 16:56:44 EST 2018

I save all my stacks on closeTack, that is until I ran into problems with Windows sandboxing in a standalone. I had to conditionally save stacks only if I was in development. 

Bob S

> On Feb 23, 2018, at 15:20 , tbodine via use-livecode <use-livecode at lists.runrev.com> wrote:
> Hi Roland.
> The "~" file is the original  (uncorrupted, unsaved) version of your stack
> before LC executed your Save cmd. If you remove the "~" from the filename,
> you'll probably find you can open that. LC creates the "~" file at the start
> of the save operation and, if all goes well, removes that file when save is
> complete.
> My guess is your problem is rooted in the lengthy save time in the quit
> routine. Here are a couple ideas of how you could deal with that:
> 1) Do the save within a try/catch statement so you can deal with any error.
> 2) If you are just saving some user data like prefs or fairly minor stuff,
> then why not save that into a separate substack outside of your main
> application stack? That should greatly shorten the time it takes to save.
> Hope that helps.
> Tom Bodine

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