A little Levure-oriented question

Richard Gaskin ambassador at fourthworld.com
Thu Feb 22 17:10:49 EST 2018

Bob Sneidar wrote:

 > The only way I can see for that to be a bad thing is if it became the
 > new and ONLY way to develop in Livecode. So long as they are options,
 > I do not see what all the fuss is about.

Amen, brother.  Options are liberating, requirements are limiting.

My only fuss is to make sure the breadth of options remains wide, and 
that the simplest are invitingly presented as the entry point for new 

Those who identify as pro devs looking to save time on GUIs can find 
their way beyond a beginner's guidance, as long as they're motivated to 
do so by having seen great examples (don't get me started about what 
I've seen in the Android app store).

But the beginner knows nothing, so we want to tell the most inviting 
tale, to guide them into a story of the shortest path they've ever 
imagined between conceiving of an app and handing a standalone of it to 
a friend.

This is a story LiveCode can tell uniquely well, provided we aim to be 
good storytellers.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems

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