Navigator update: better conversion to behaviors, better property editing, better version control, and send to private commands

Mark Talluto mark at
Mon Feb 5 12:46:13 EST 2018

Hi Geoff,

I am super excited to see you working on Navigator.

I have one little issue with it as it stands. I can not edit behaviors any longer. I am sure I am doing something wrong. I did the right click -> “Edit Behavior Scripts” on a card that has a behavior associated with it. The line is blue in color indicating that it has a behavior.

I will go back to an older version for now.

Best regards,

Mark Talluto <> <> <>

> On Feb 3, 2018, at 10:52 PM, Geoff Canyon via use-livecode <use-livecode at> wrote:
> The update is now available here
> <>. I haven't
> updated the documentation yet. The main changes are:
> 1. The whole convert-to-behaviors and restore-from-behaviors bit has been
> moved to its own custom palette, opened from Navigator. This makes the
> whole process much clearer, and setting the options is easier and more
> forgiving.
> 2. There's a preview for the naming template process -- again, easier and
> more foolproof, and a dropdown offers some pre-made options.
> 3. The dialog's working list is derived from the selection in Navigator
> when the command is issued, but it's text -- anything can be modified,
> deleted, or added before processing.
> 4. There is a button to add enclosed objects. So it's possible to select a
> group, card, or stack in Navigator, select the command, and then add
> enclosed objects to include all the controls in that container -- or
> containers, it processes everything in the list.
> 5. There is a button to add behavior chains, so it's possible to select one
> control that has a chain of fifty behaviors, and click the button to add
> them all to the list to be processed.
> 6. Both Convert and Restore have a preview option -- use it and the
> resulting log will show exactly what will be done, without actually doing
> any of it.
> gc
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